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Green Smoothie
  • What does it mean to be a vegan?
    A vegan does not consume food that comes from animals (such as meat, eggs or dairy products).
  • What is the difference between vegetarian, vegan and other diets?
    There are various diets that limit meat or animal products, here are a few: Lacto-ovo Vegetarian - does not eat meat or fish but would still include eggs and dairy products in diet. Ovo-Vegetarian: can include dairy products and eggs but not meat, poultry or fish. Pescatarian: a plant-based diet that includes fish.
  • Where do you get your protein from if you eat vegan dishes?
    The same place that animals get their protein. There is plenty of protein in plant foods, especially beans, legumes, pulses, grains, nuts, seeds and some vegetables.
  • Why do Vegans want their food to look or taste like meat, but don’t want to eat meat?
    Most people who turned vegan were raised eating meat and they remember what they liked about it. In the beginning stages of switching your diet, your perception on taste, texture and familiarity compares to what you grew up eating which makes the incorporation of vegan dishes easier!
  • What supplements do I need to promote a healthy lifestyle?
    It is important to include a reliable source of vitamin B12 in your diet. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that is necessary for healthy nerves and blood. Vitamin B12 is not made by plants or by animals, but by bacteria. You can easily meet your vitamin B12 needs with a daily supplement. Fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals, plant milks, and nutritional yeast, may also contain B12, but taking a supplement regularly is often a more reliable source.
  • Are soy products healthy?
    Soy products offer a wide array of health benefits. Eating whole soy foods may reduce the risk of breast cancer and several other types of cancer, fibroids, and even inflammation. Soy is helpful for bone health, heart health, and menopausal symptoms.
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